One part of my research deals with 2 electrons- 3 centers coordinations modes. Isolate thois kind of coordination mode is a snapshot during the oxidative addition or reductive-elimination processes occuring during the catalytic reaction with transition metals. This coordination modes might found with many H-E (E =H, Si, Ge,..) ligands. We are interest in the full characterisation of this coordination modes and their role in stabilisation of complexes or in catalytic reaction mechanisms
Sigma H2 complexes are the archetype of 2 electrons-3 centers complexes they ar involved in catalytic reactions such as catalytic hydrogenation and in catalytic labeling reaction (H/D exchange).
Disilazane and silazane ligands have been studied. Bis sigma coordination have been charetrized and unsual coordination modes involving hydrogen shared by 2 or 3 silicon atoms. The different coordination modes have been charaterized by neutron diffraction and by solid state NMR.
We are able to extend the sigma. H-H and Si-H coordination modes to sigma Ge-H coordination. The effort is focus on the charaterisation and the description of the Ge-H activation level.
Maitre de
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS
UPR 8241
BP 44099
205, route de Narbonne
31077 TOULOUSE Cédex 4
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 33 31 77
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 55 30 03
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