I have a long term collaboration with Pr Virginia Montiel Palma at the universitad autonoma del estado de Morelos (Cuernavaca). I got an ANR PRCI grant (2015-2018) in order to developp new catalytic systems in collaboration.
I have collaborated with Pr Naoto Chatani (Osaka University) on catalytic silylation in a Sakura exchange program.
With Pr Satoshi Maeda (Hokkaido University) I am involved in a collaboration concerning the used of AFIR GRRM method for catalytic reactions involving transition complexes.
A new program April 2016-march 2017 on catalysis will be conducted with Pr Sensuke Ogoshi (Osaka University)
I have initiated a collaboration with Dr Jianwei Ren at HySa infrastructure to developp new efficient solid hydrogen storage material using post functionnalized Metal organic frameworks ( MOF).
Pr Alberto Albinati is a specialist in resolution of neutron structures and
in inelastic neutron scattering. He has resolved all our problems in collaboration with Sax Mason and Jacques Ollivier at Institut Laue Langevin.
The germanium chemistry is developped in collaboration with Pr Robin N. Perutz from University of York. We are looking for unusual interactions between hydrogen and germane coordinated on a metal center for new catalytic germylation reactions.
Maitre de
Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination, CNRS
UPR 8241
BP 44099
205, route de Narbonne
31077 TOULOUSE Cédex 4
e-mail: mary.grellier@lcc-toulouse.fr
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 33 31 77
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 55 30 03
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